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Film Booths & Film Sound Isolation Enclosures

Film Booths

Filmaking or film production is the process of making a movie or film about a specific story or event. For sucessful filmaking you will require a cast (actors), tv film production crew complete with recording equipment. The final version of the film or movie will need to be edited prior to showing the film or movie to an audience.

Filmaking tends to be mainly carried out in a film studio, on a set or outdoors but the final editing will be carried out in a sound isolated area. KUBE film booths and film sound isolation enclosures have been used by leading TV companies including SONY and NBC Universal Studios.

KUBE is a dedicated sound booth manufacturer located in the UK building high quality sound reduction rooms using specially designed modular panels. Our products are available for installation in the UK and also for worldwide shipping.

Visit Our UK Showroom

UK Showroom

Visiting our showrooms is a fantastic way to see at first hand the high quality of our film booths and film sound isolation enclosures.

Our purpose built showroom is located in Ripon, North Yorkshire. Apart from seeing our sound isolation products close up it really is a unique opportunity to discuss your requirements face to face and experience a sound reduction demonstration.

We can show you specific decibel (db) readings of both inside and outside our different sound booths.

A Few Of Our Clients